Coinbase® Extension® | Getting Started: Wallet Extension

Coinbase® Extension® | Getting Started: Wallet Extension. Coinbase Wallet extension is a secure way to connect to decentralized apps (dApps) and DeFi platform.

How to Use the Coinbase Wallet Extension: A Complete Guide


The Coinbase Wallet extension allows users to manage their cryptocurrencies and interact with decentralized applications (DApps) directly from their web browser. This guide will help you install, set up, and use the Coinbase Wallet extension efficiently.

Step 1: Install the Coinbase Wallet Extension

  • Open Your Browser: Launch a browser that supports extensions, such as Google Chrome.

  • Visit the Extension Store: Go to the Chrome Web Store (or the relevant extension store for your browser).

  • Search for Coinbase Wallet Extension: In the search bar, type "Coinbase Wallet" and press Enter.

  • Select the Extension: Find the official Coinbase Wallet extension and click on it.

  • Add to Browser: Click the "Add to Chrome" button, and then confirm by clicking "Add Extension" in the popup.

Step 2: Set Up the Coinbase Wallet Extension

  • Open the Extension: After installation, click on the Coinbase Wallet icon in the extensions toolbar of your browser.

  • Create a New Wallet or Import an Existing One:

    • Create New Wallet: Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new wallet, including setting a strong password and securely storing your recovery phrase.

    • Import Existing Wallet: Enter your recovery phrase to import an existing wallet.

Step 3: Using the Coinbase Wallet Extension

  • Access Your Wallet: Click on the Coinbase Wallet icon in your browser's toolbar to open the extension.

  • View Your Assets: The dashboard will display your cryptocurrency holdings and their current values.

  • Send and Receive Crypto:

    • Send: Click on the "Send" button, enter the recipient's address, choose the asset, and specify the amount to send.

    • Receive: Click on the "Receive" button to display your wallet address or QR code for receiving funds.

  • Connect to DApps: The Coinbase Wallet extension allows you to connect to decentralized applications (DApps). When you visit a supported DApp, you can connect your wallet by selecting Coinbase Wallet as the wallet option.

Step 4: Security Tips

  • Secure Your Recovery Phrase: Always keep your recovery phrase in a safe place. Do not share it with anyone.

  • Use Strong Passwords: Ensure your wallet password is strong and unique.

  • Beware of Phishing: Always verify you are on the official Coinbase Wallet extension page and DApps before connecting your wallet.

Step 5: Managing Settings and Preferences

  • Access Settings: Click on the settings icon within the extension to manage your wallet preferences.

  • Network Selection: Choose between different blockchain networks depending on your needs (e.g., Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain).

  • Customization: Customize your wallet by setting preferences such as transaction speed and appearance.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Extension Not Working: Ensure your browser is up-to-date and that the extension is enabled in your browser's settings.

  • Lost Recovery Phrase: If you lose your recovery phrase, you will not be able to recover your wallet. Make sure to store it securely.

  • Connection Issues with DApps: Ensure you have a stable internet connection and that the DApp supports Coinbase Wallet.


The Coinbase Wallet extension is a powerful tool for managing your cryptocurrency directly from your browser and interacting with the world of decentralized applications. By following this guide, you can easily install, set up, and use the Coinbase Wallet extension, making your crypto transactions more convenient and secure.

Last updated